At the latest meeting of the PCMA UW Scientific Council a new Director of the PCMA Research Centre in Cairo was appointed. In the upcoming term the position will be held by Assoc. Prof. Anna Wodzińska.
Assoc. Prof. Anna Wodzińska’s scientific interests have been connected with Egypt for many years. She headed the Department of Egypt and Nubia at the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw (IA UW). In the academic year 2016–2017 she was deputy director for student affairs at the IA UW. Since 2017, she is a member of the Scientific Council of PCMA UW.
She specializes in the archaeology of Egypt and Nubia, with a focus on the study of ancient ceramics from these regions. As a ceramologist, she participates in archaeological projects of the University of Warsaw in Tell el-Retaba (Egypt) and Dongola (Sudan). She works also with the American project of the Ancient Egypt Research Associates in Giza (Egypt). She also took part in excavations at Buto conducted by Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut and in Dendera (under the auspices of Ifao).
The PCMA Research Centre in Cairo was founded in 1959 by prof. Kazimierz Michałowski. Its mission is providing professional and friendly support to Polish scientists and students conducting research in Egypt, while at the same time building the Polish research potential in the region.
Read more about the Research Centre in Cairo