Edyta Marzec

Research interests:

    • Aegean and Cypriot archaeology in the Hellenistic and Roman periods
    • Production and distribution of ceramic materials in the Eastern Mediterranean between the Classical and Roman periods
    • Ceramic production technology and usage
Professional career


2018 PhD in Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, Poland, in collaboration with the Fitch Laboratory, British School at Athens and the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, N.C.S.R. ‘Demokritos’, Greece
2012 MSc in Archeological Materials, University of Sheffield, UK
2010 MA in Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Positions and functions

since 2025 Research Associate at the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, N.C.S.R. ‘Demokritos’, Greece
since 2019 Research Associate at the Fitch Laboratory, British School at Athens
20192024 Adjunct at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences
2018 Post-doc at the Fitch Laboratory, British School at Athens

Research projects

since 2024 Member of the project MATEGEE. Beyond the Stamp: Material and Production Strategies for Amphorae in the Hellenistic and Roman Aegean; Centre d’Études Alexandrines and Fitch Laboratory, British School at Athens
since 2019 Petrographer in the Corinthian Coarse and Cooking Wares Petrographic Project. Roman pottery from east of the Theater, Corinth; University of Missouri
since 2017 Pottery specialist in the project Sarapieia de Délos; French School at Athens
20192024 Principal investigator of the project INSIDE. Interdisciplinary Study on Hellenistic Ceramics from the Island of Delos; grant Sonatina 3 funded by the National Science Center, Poland
20212023 Petrographer in the Western Argolid Reginal Project; University of Colorado Boulder
20142016 Principal investigator of the project Provenance and technology of colour-coated ware pottery from Nea Paphos, Cyprus; grant Mobility plus by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland
20122015 Pottery specialist in the project HALASARNA. The Apollo Sanctuary and the Late Roman Settlement in Halasarna (Kos). The History of an Ancient Sanctuary, its Decline and its Final Transformation into a Late Roman/Early Christian Settlement; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
20112015 Pottery specialist in the Paphos Agora Project; Jagiellonian University, Krakow
20072015 Pottery specialist in the Archaeological Mission in Kato Paphos; Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of Warsaw University

Scholarships, grants, awards
Scientific bibliography

Edited volumes

forthcoming Kiriatzi, E., Klebinder-Gauss, G., Müller, N.S., Marzec, E., Steiner, A. Technological and provenance study of black glaze, cooking and household wares from Tholos Deposit H 12:6; a snapshot of Attic potting industry in late 5th c. BC. In Steiner, A. (ed.) Feeding Democracy: The Tholos Pottery in Context. Hesperia Supplement. Princeton.
2024 Kajzer, M., Marzec, E. The Hellenistic ceramic oil lamps from Sarapieia A and B on Delos. In: Bodzek, J. et al. (eds) Φιλομμειδὴς Ἀφροδίτη. Essays in Ancient Art and Archaeology in Honour of Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka, Krakow, https://doi.org/10.12797/9788383681924.31
2021 Grigoropoulos, D., Marzec, E. The Impact of Knidian Fine Wares on the Local Market and Pottery Production of Halasarna on Kos during the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. In: Poulsen, B., Lund, J., Pedersen, P. (eds) Karia and the Dodekanese. Cultural interrelations in the Southeast Aegean, II, Early Hellenistic to Early Byzantine. Oxbow books, 65–77
2020 Marzec, E., Kajzer, M. Hellenistic Table Ware Pottery (from the late 4th to the 1st century BCE). In: Papuci-Władyka, E. (ed.) Paphos Agora Project (PAP) 1. Interdisciplinary Research of the Jagiellonian University in Nea Paphos Unesco World Heritage Site (2011-2015) – First Results, Kraków, 223–247
2020 Kajzer, M., Marzec, E. Roman Table Ware Pottery (ca. 30 BCE to the 7th century CE). In: Papuci-Władyka, E. (ed.) Paphos Agora Project (PAP) 1. Interdisciplinary Research of the Jagiellonian University in Nea Paphos Unesco World Heritage Site (2011-2015) – First Results, Kraków, 249–277
2020 Marzec, E. Unguentaria. In: Papuci-Władyka, E. (ed.) Paphos Agora Project (PAP) 1. Interdisciplinary Research of the Jagiellonian University in Nea Paphos Unesco World Heritage Site (2011-2015) – First Results, Kraków, 279–282
2019 Marzec, E., Kajzer, M. Colour-coated Hemispherical Bowls with Incised Decoration from the Paphos Agora Project Excavations. In: Peignard Giros, A. (ed) International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period. Daily Life in a Cosmopolitan World: Pottery and Culture during the Hellenistic Period, Wien, 313–319
2018 Papuci-Władyka, E., Marzec, E. Hellenistic Pottery from the Paphos Agora Project excavations (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland) seasons 2011-2012 – First presentation. In: 9th International Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery, 05-09/12/2012, Thessaloniki. Athens, 881–888

Journal articles, book sections and monographs

2025 Marzec, E., Slane, K.W., Kiriatzi, E. Local and regional Roman cooking ware at Corinth: An integrated scientific study. Annual of the British School at Athens 120.
2024 Miziołek, M., Marzec, E. Typology and provenance of Early Roman cooking ware pottery from the residential quarter of Nea Paphos (Cyprus). Études et Travaux XXXVI, https://doi.org/10.12775/EtudTrav.37.003
2024 Menelaou, S., Marzec, E., Georgiadis, F., Katsarou, S., Siros, A., Darlas, A. Ritual use, consumption and depositional practices at Agriomernos Cave, northwest Samos (Greece): a ceramic analytical approach, Advances in Archaeomaterials 5, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aia.2024.100041
2024 Nocoń, K., Marzec, E. Another strand in the web. The connection between Nea Paphos and the region of North-western Cyprus based on an integrated investigation of the Middle and Late Roman cooking pottery. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 43, https://doi.org/10.1111/ojoa.12312/
2024 Marzec, E., Nocoń, K, Miziołek, M., Müller, N.S., Kiriatzi, E. Production and consumption of Hellenistic and Early Roman cooking ware at Nea Paphos on Cyprus, Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 55, 104432
2023 Nocoń, K., Marzec, E. Continuity and changes in the local production of Hellenistic and Early Roman cooking pottery from Nea Paphos (Cyprus), Bulletin of the American Society of Overseas Research 390, 59–95
2023 Kajzer, M., Marzec, E., Hein, A. Exploring chaîne opératoires of Hellenistic ceramic oil lamps from Nea Paphos, Cyprus, Levant 55:2, 195–217
2021 Marzec, E., Wicenciak, U., Müller, N.S., Kiriatzi, E., Waliszewski, T. Pottery production in Chhim (Sidon hinterland) in the Roman and early Byzantine periods: petrographic and elemental analyses, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38, 103004
2021 Kajzer, M., Marzec, E., Müller, N.S., Kiriatzi, E. Production and supply of ceramic oil lamps in Hellenistic and Early Roman Nea Paphos, Cyprus. Integrated typological, chronological and provenance studies, Annual of the British School at Athens 116, 291–357
2020 Brun-Kyriakidis, H., Marzec, E. The Chronology of Sarapium A and B of Delos. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 144, 595–632
2019 Marzec, E., Kiriatzi, E., Müller, N.S., Hein, A. An integrated typological, technological and provenance investigation of Late Hellenistic colour-coated pottery from Nea Paphos, Cyprus. Archaeological and Anthropological Science 11, 4103–4122
2018 Marzec, E., Kiriatzi, E., Müller, N.S., Hein, A. The provenance and technology of a group of Hellenistic Colour Coated ware pottery from the excavations at Nea Paphos, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 21, 1035–1043



2025    Ceramic Petrology Group – Annual Meeting, Padova
Konstandara A., Marzec E. Colourful Connec6ons: Investigating Hellenis6c Ceramics from the Cyclades

2024    Young Researchers in Archaeometry, Nicosia
Konstandara, A., Marzec, E., Late Hellenistic braziers from Delos; provenance study and characterisation of ‘Cycladic’ type

2024    Conference ‘SEA OF IMITATIONS’, Warsaw University, Warsaw
Marzec, E., Kajzer, M. The Roman way: Pottery as a medium of Italian culture

2024    Half a Century of Archaeological Science in Greece. Past, Present, Future. British School at Athens
Marzec, E., Konstandara, A., Muller, N., Alexiou, K., Kiriatzi, E. Connecting the Cycladic Islands: A multidisciplinary approach to Hellenistic ceramics

2024    30th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, Rome
Marzec, E., Kajzer, M. Economic and social transformation of Nea Paphos (Cyprus) after the 17/15 BCE earthquake
Marzec, E., Kajzer, M., Gros, J.-S. Ephesian pottery on Delos: Tracing economic and cultural exchange in the Late Hellenistic period

2024     Interdisciplinary Ceramic Research in the Peloponnese, ÖAW, Athens
Marzec, E., Gardner, C., Müller, N.S., Gallimore, S., Slane, W., Lolos, Y.A., Kiriatzi, E. Roman cooking ware pottery from the North-eastern Peloponnese: regional production and exchange networks

2024    Annual Meeting of Archaeological Institute of America, Chicago
James, S.A., Marzec, E. Results of the Western Argolid Petrography Project

2023    Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology Conference, Athens
Kajzer, M., Marzec, E. Drink like Romans: production and consumption of thin-walled pottery in Nea Paphos

2023    6th Conference of International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period, Catania
Marzec, E., Martz, A.-S., Kajzer, M. New theories and methods for old pottery: characterising the Hellenistic pottery production on Tinos
Marzec, E., Kajzer, M., Martz, A.-S. Enigmatic Black Gloss Pottery from the Cyclades.

2023    16th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Pisa
Marzec, E., Kajzer, M., Konstandara, A. Hellenistic pottery from the Cyclades: provenance of epidote-rich cooking fabric
Kajzer, M., Marzec, E., Kiriatzi, E. Red Slip Roman jugs from Cyprus: a question of provenance
Nocoń, K., Marzec, E., Kiriatzi E. Revealing the know-how – integrated studies on cooking pottery manufacturing traditions from the 3rd to 7th centuries CE. A case study from Nea Paphos, Cyprus
Menelaou S., Marzec E., Georgiadis F., Katsarou S., Siros A., Darlas A. Neolithic and Bronze Age pottery consumption at Agriomernos Cave, Samos (Greece): compositional analysis and provenance determination

2022    3rd International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, Nicosia
Marzec, E., Kajzer, M., Gros, J-S., Müller, N.S. and Kiriatzi, E. Late Hellenistic trade networks through the lens of fine ware pottery from Delos
Kiriatzi, E., Müller, N.S., Marzec, E., Klebinder-Gauss, G., Steiner, A. Pottery production in Classical Athens through the looking glass: co-existing potting traditions, workshops and migrant potters

2021    5rd Conference of International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period, Sevilla
Kajzer, M., Marzec, E., Ceramic oil lamps from Sarapiea A and B in Delos.

2019    4rd Conference of International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period, Athens
Marzec, E., Gros, J.-S., Müller, N.S., Kiriatzi, E. Hellenistic Colour-Coated Plates from the Aphrodision of Stesileos on Delos
Kajzer, M., Marzec, E., Müller, N.S., Kiriatzi, E. Hellenistic Clay Oil Lamps from the Paphos Agora. Provenance Studies Based on Macroscopic and Chemical Analyses
Nocoń, K., Marzec, E., Müller, N.S., Kiriatzi, E. Production and Consumption of Kitchen Pottery in the Local Market of Nea Paphos, Cyprus. An Integrated Archaeological and Archaeometric Approach

2019    15th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Barcelona
Marzec, E., Kiriatzi, E., Slane, K.W. Petrographic analysis of Roman coarse and cooking pottery from East of the Theater at Corinth
Marzec, E., Więch, M., Kiriatzi, E., Müller, N.S. Provenance and Technology of the Early Roman cooking ware pottery from Nea Paphos
Kajzer, M., Marzec, E., Müller, N.S., Kiriatzi, E., Hein, A. Ceramic oil lamps from the Agora of Nea Paphos: integrated results of multidisciplinary research on Hellenistic-Roman local production
Müller, N.S., Kiriatzi, E., Marzec, E., Tescione, I., van Oyen, A., Tol, G. Tinkering with Terra Sigillata production: The case of Marzuolo, a Roman rural multi-craft site

2018    Karian and Dodekanese. Cultural interrelation in the south-eastern Aegean ca. 500 BC–AD 500, Danish Institute at Athens
Grigoropoulos, G., Marzec, E. Knidian Fine Wares in Hellenistic and Roman Halasarna: Assessing their Impact on the Local Market and their Influence on Local Pottery Production

2017    14th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Bordeaux
Müller, N.S., Marzec, E., Kiriatzi, E., Steiner, A., Klebinder-Gauss, G. Ceramic recipes and cooking ware in Classical Athens: An integrated analytical study of pottery from the Athenian Agora

2017    3rd Conference of International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period, Kaštela
Marzec, E., Kiriatzi, E., Müller, N.S., Hein, A. Hellenistic koine and Cypriot Pottery Tradition. The Colour-coated Wares from Nea Paphos
Nocoń, K., Marzec, E., Hein, A. Neighbourhood Interactions. Hellenistic Cooking Pottery from the Sanctuary of Apollo in Ancient Halasarna, Kos

2016    The Levantine Ceramics Project workshop, Danish Institute at Athens
Marzec, E. Western Cypriot Colour Coated and Standard Early Hellenistic Wares

2016    41st International Symposium on Archaeometry, Kalamata
Marzec, E., Kiriatzi, E., Müller, N.S., Hein, A. Hellenistic Colour-coated Ware Pottery from Nea Paphos. An Integrated Approach to Study of Provenance and Technology of Fine Ware Pottery

2015    2nd Conference of International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period, Lyon
Marzec, E., Kajzer, M. New Trends against Old Technology. The Coexistence of Various Table Wares in a Well Deposit from the Ancient Agora of Nea Paphos

2015    13th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Athens
Marzec, E., Kiriatzi, E., Müller, N.S., Hein, A. Provenance and technology of Colour-coated Ware from Nea Paphos, Cyprus

2015    Society for American Archaeology, 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco:
Marzec, E., Day, P., Grillo, K. Petrography of “Nderit” pottery from Pastoral Neolithic sites surrounding Lake Turkana in Kenya


Professional memberships

Recommended links:

International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period