Tyre, the Acropolis (Lebanon), 2021

The Acropolis of Tyre

Dates of work: 4 June–28th July 2021

Directors: Prof. María Eugenia Aubet (Pompeu Fabra University), Dr. Ali Badawi (General Directorate of Antiquities of Lebanon) and Dr. Francisco J. Núñez (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Archaeologists: Prof. Ana Margarida Arruda (University of Lisbon, Portugal); Dr. Lorenzo de Lellis, José M. López Garí, Maksym Mackiewicz (freelance); Prof. Alfredo Mederos Martín (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain); Dr. David Montanero Vico (University of Barcelona, Spain); Jakub Świda (freelance); Dr. Urszula Wicenciak-Núñez (PCMA, UW).

This campaign was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Culture as well as the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw.


This season’s work focused in the walls of the Roman temple as well as the porticoed dromos leading to its entrance, the subterranean chamber and the terracing system. For details see: PCMA UW joins excavations in Tyre (Lebanon)


Dr Francisco J. Núñez f.j.nunez(at)uw.edu.pl