
  • PCMA Seminar: Renewed Excavations at Argishtikhinili

    During the upcoming PCMA seminar, Mateusz Iskra (PCMA UW) and Hasmik Simonyan (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia/ „Service For The Protection Of Historical Environment and Cultural Museum-reservations”) will deliver a presentation: Renewed Excavations at Argishtikhinili: Results of the First Season of the Armenian-Polish Archaeological Expedition. Abstract: In October 2024, […]

  • Season’s Greetings

    May this special Holiday Season bring you moments of rest, joy among loved ones, and inspiration for the year ahead. In the New Year 2025, we wish you unwavering curiosity in exploring the world and passion in embracing new challenges.

  • Seven new departments at PCMA UW

    In December 2024, the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PCMA UW) underwent a structural reorganization. By decree of the PCMA UW Director, seven new departments have been established. In the term 2024–2028, the newly appointed department heads will be: Department of African Studies – Head: Dr. Maciej Wyżgoł Department of Conservation and […]

  • Archeo Orientalis Studies UW logo

    “Little Archaeo-Oriental Studies” grant for research on Watermarks on the Paper of Ethiopian Manuscripts

    The fourth edition of the “Archaeo-Oriental Studies” competition for research projects combining Oriental Studies and archaeology has been resolved. Dr. Dorota Dzierzbicka (PCMA UW) and Dr. Daria Elagina (University of Hamburg / University of Münster) have been awarded a grant for research on Ethiopian manuscripts.  Their project: “Paper Trails. Identification of Watermarks on the Paper of Ethiopian […]

  • Dr. Mariusz Drzewiecki appointed as deputy director of PCMA UW

    Dr. Mariusz Drzewiecki has been appointed by the Rector of the University of Warsaw, Prof. Dr. Alojzy Z. Nowak, as Deputy Director for Research at the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw.  Dr. Drzewiecki has been associated with PCMA UW for several years. Since 2018, he has been emloyed as an adjunct, while […]

  • OPUS grant for Prof. Piotr Bieliński for research on ancient settlement in Northwestern Oman

    The results of the 27th OPUS grant competition held by the National Science Centre (NCN) have been announced. Among the funded projects is one led by Prof. Piotr Bieliński from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PCMA UW), titled “Rises and Falls: Dynamics and Mechanisms of Settlement Development and Collapses in the Mountains […]

  • PCMA Seminar: “An Apostle, Jesus, Pilate or  the Virgin Mary? A New Identification of Two Wall Paintings from the Faras Cathedral”

    The next PCMA Seminar is scheduled for December 12, featuring a presentation by Dr. Magdalena Łaptaś (IHS UKSW): “An Apostle, Jesus, Pilate or  the Virgin Mary? A New Identification of Two Wall Paintings from the Faras Cathedral.” Abstract: „In 2017, a comprehensive catalogue of wall paintings from the Faras Cathedral was published by Stefan Jakobielski, Magdalena Łaptaś, […]

  • Conference and exhibition on Musti (Tunisia) open in Paris

    The events marking the conclusion of the Tunisian-Polish research project at the Musti archaeological site in Tunisia are set to begin. On this occasion, an international conference titled “Autour de Musti. Présentation de chantiers archéologiques en cours” and an exhibition “Musti à travers les âges. Chroniques d’une ville africaine au cœur du monde méditerranéen” will […]

  • Prof. Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski awarded a CRAC “Small Grant”

    In the thirteenth edition of the Small Grants program by Center for Research on Ancient Civilizations of the University of Warsaw (CRAC), funding was awarded to ten projects. Among them was a topic submitted by Assoc. Prof. Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski: “Ceramic building materials marked with military stamps in Tyras – import or local production?“ The research […]

  • Call for applications: Ifao-PCMA Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Cairo 2025–2027

    For the sixth time, Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) and the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PCMA UW), are inviting applications for Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Cairo. This time, the fellowship will last 24 months, from May 2025 till April 2027. The selected Post-Doctoral Fellow will be tasked with organizing an international two-day […]

  • PCMA UW expedition returns to Sheikh Abd el-Qurna

    After a ten-year hiatus, the expedition of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, has resumed work at Sheikh Abd el-Qurna in Egypt. The expedition, led by Dr. Aleksandra Pawlikowska-Gwiazda (National Museum in Warsaw), focuses on researching the transformation of Middle Kingdom tombs MMA 1151 and 1152 into a Coptic hermitage with a […]