Andrzej Szotek
Author Archives
PCMA Seminar: Stranded in Dongola, Sudan. A 16th-century account of the Ethiopian monk Takla Alfa, reconsidered
The PCMA Seminar series will host Dr. Dorota Dzierzbicka (PCMA UW) and Dr. Daria Elagina (Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies, Universität Hamburg) with a talk entitled “Stranded in Dongola, Sudan. A 16th-century account of the Ethiopian monk Takla Alfa, reconsidered”. Abstract: “Information on 16th-century Sudan is scarce, and first-hand accounts of travelers […]
CANCELLED: PCMA Seminar – UMMA ERC StG results
We are very sorry to inform you that for reasons beyond our control, the talk by Dr. Artur Obłuski at the PCMA Seminar on Thursday 20th April had to be cancelled. This April, the PCMA Seminar will host a talk by Dr. Artur Obłuski who will present the preliminary results of his research project in […]