Dr. hab. Grzegorz Majcherek, prof. UW
dr. hab. prof. UW
(pokój 207)
Research interests:
- Alexandria and Egypt in the Roman period
- Roman architecture in Alexandria and Egypt
- Roman ceramics, Roman and Byzantine amphoras
- Palmyra: architecture, ceramics, Palmyrene epigraphy
2020 habilitation degree from the Council of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw
1993 PhD thesis: “Roman and Byzantine amphorae from Alexandria”, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw, supervisor: Prof. M. Gawlikowski
1981 MA thesis: „A Nabatean temple in Wadi Rum”, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Positions and functions
since 2001 adjunct and assistant at the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
2001–2012 deputy director of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
since 2010 editor of the series (previously journal) Studia Palmyreńskie
since 2014 supervisor of the project “Studies on the character of social contacts in Roman Alexandria based on numismatic research. Analysis of monetary finds from Kom el-Dikka in an archaeological context”. NCN Fuga 3 grant UMO-2014/12/S/HS3/00088. Principal investigator: Dr. Katarzyna Lach
since 2012 participation in a project by IFAO: “Contextes et mobiliers, de l’époque hellénistique à la période Mamelouke. Volet Archéologique”
since 2010 director of the PCMA UW archaeological expedition in Palmyra (Syria)
since 2002 director of the PCMA UW archaeological expedition in Alexandria (Egypt)
1988–200 archaeological fieldwork director in Alexandria (Egypt)
since 1982 archaeological research at Kom el-Dikka, Alexandria (Egypt); as archaeologist
since 1983 archaeological research at Palmyra (Syria); as archaeologist and ceramologist
since 1987 archaeological research at Marina el-Alamein (Egypt); as archaeologist and ceramologist
1998–2009 archaeological research at Hawarte (Syria); as archaeologist and ceramologist
2000–2002 archaeological research at Marea (Egypt); as ceramologist
Other archaeological experience
1993 excavation of a Roman theatre in Pelusium (Egypt); as archaeologist
1986–1987 conservation of Nefermaat mastaba in Meidum (Egypt); as archaeologist
2005 University of Warsaw Rector’s prize for scientific achievements
1998–1999 participation in the ARCE/EAP grant “Mosaics Conservation Project” as archaeologist
1989 scholarship and internship at the Laboratoire de Céramologie w Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée in Lyon
1982–1987 exchange scholarship of the Egyptian government
Chapters in edited volumes
2019 Majcherek, G., Survival or Revival? Urban and Architectural Change in Post-Classical Alexandria, in: G. Bąkowska-Czerner, R. Czerner (eds), Greco-Roman Cities at the Cross-Roads of Cultures. The 20th Anniversary of Polish-Egyptian Conservation Mission Marina el-Alamein. Oxford: Archeopress, 144–161
2018 Majcherek, G., Crumbs from the table – archaeological remnants of Hellenistic Alexandria, in: Hellenistic Alexandria: Celebrating 24 Centuries. Papers presented at the conference held on December 13–15, 2017 at the Acropolis Museum, Athens, Oxford: Archeopress, 71–84
2013 Majcherek, G., Archéologie d’un campus: Alexandrie, Ve-VIIe siècle, in: Catalogue de Exposition « Lumières de la sagesse. Ecoles médiévales d’Orient et d’Occident », Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 28–29
2012 Majcherek, G., Aleksandryjska akademia, in: G. Majcherek, R. Kucharczyk, W. Kołątaj, F. Pawlicki (eds) Starożytna Aleksandria. Polskie badania archeologiczne i prace konserwatorskie na Kom el-Dikka, Warsaw: PCMA UW, 55–92
2011 Majcherek, G., Zych, I., The evidence for Cretan presence in the ancient town of Marina el-Alamein, in: Classica Orientalia. Essays presented to Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski on his 75th birthday, Warsaw: PCMA UW, 357–378
2010 Majcherek, G., The auditoria on Kom el-Dikka. A glimpse of Late Antique education in Alexandria, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Congress of Papyrology, An Arbor 2007 (=American Studies in Papyrology), Ann Arbor: Michigan Publishing, 471–484
2010 Majcherek, G., Discovering Alexandria: archaeological update on the finds from Kom el-Dikka, in: Alexandria and the North-Western Delta, Oxford: Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology, 75–90
2008 Majcherek, G., The pottery assemblage from the bath and saqiya, in: H. Szymańska, K. Babraj, Byzantine Marea: excavations in 2000–2003 and 2006, Krakow: Muzeum Archeologiczne, 105–127
2007 Majcherek, G., Academic life of Late Antique Alexandria: view from the field, in: M. El-Abbadi, O.M. Fathallah (ed.), What happened to the Ancient Library of Alexandria?, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 191–206
2007 Majcherek, G., Houses of Alexandria: Some aspects of architectural development in the Roman period, in: K. Galor, T. Waliszewski (ed.) From Antioch to Alexandria. Recent studies in Domestic Architecture, Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, 201–207
2007 Majcherek, G., The Late Roman auditoria of Alexandria: An archaeological overview, in: T. Derda, T. Markiewicz, E. Wipszycka (ed.) Alexandria, Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education (=JJP Supl. 8), Warsaw: University of Warsaw, Fundacja im. Rafała Taubenschlaga, 11–50
2007 Kołątaj, W., Majcherek, G., Parandowska, E., Villa of the Birds. The Excavation and Preservation of the Kom el-Dikka Mosaics, Cairo—New York: The American University Press
2007 Majcherek, G., Alexandria: current Polish research, in: 70-years of Polish Archaeology in Egypt, Warsaw: PCMA UW, 125–134
2005 Majcherek, G., More churches from Palmyra – an inkling of the late antique city, in: P. Bieliński, F.M. Stępniowski (ed.), Au pays d’Allat. Mélanges offerts à Michał Gawlikowski, Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, 141–150
2002 Majcherek, G., Mosaic floors from Roman triclinia in Alexandria, in: Egyptology
2000 Kiss, Z., Majcherek, G., Rysiewski, H., Tkaczow, B., Alexandrie VII. Fouilles polonaise a Kom el-Dikka (1986–87), Warsaw
1995 Majcherek, G., Gazan amphorae: Typology reconsidered, in: Hellenistic and Roman Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean (Advances in Scientific Studies), The Second Nieborów Workshop, Warsaw, 163–178
1991 Majcherek, G., Egyptian and imported amphorae in Marina, in: Marina el-Alamein. Archaeological Background and Conservation Problems 1, Warsaw: Pracownie Konserwacji Zabytków, 51–54
2021 Majcherek, G., Streets and houses of Roman Alexandria revisited. Antiquity, 1–8. DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2020.242
2019 Majcherek, G., Alexandria Kom el-Dikka. Excavations and preservation work in the 2018 season, PAM 28/2, 21–42, DOI: 10.31338/uw.2083-537X.pam28.2.02
2019 Majcherek, G., Filling the gap: Mediterranean amphorae in Late antique Palmyra, Syria, 96, 395–418, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/syria.10620
2018 Majcherek, G., Alexandria, Kom el-Dikka. Season 2017, PAM 27/1, 35–56, DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.1964
2017 Majcherek, G., Alexandria, Kom el-Dikka. season 2016, PAM 26/1, 37–53, DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0012.1768
2017 Majcherek, G., North African amphorae in the east: a view from Alexandria, HEROM Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture 6.2, 205–234
2016 Bąkowska-Czerner, G., Czerner, R., Majcherek, G., Research and Conservation in Marina El-Alamein in 2014 and 2015 (Polish–Egyptian Conservation Mission). Part one: The Southern Baths and central town square, PAM 25, 145–166, DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0010.1826
2016 Bąkowska-Czerner, G., Czerner, R., Majcherek, G., Research and Conservation in Marina El-Alamein in 2014 and 2015 (Polish–Egyptian Conservation Mission). Part two: The Hellenistic Baths, PAM 25, 167–184, DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0010.1828
2016 Majcherek, G., appendix E. Kulicka, Alexandria, Kom el-Dikka. Seasons 2014–2015, PAM 25, 33–63, DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0010.1747
2014 Majcherek, G., Kucharczyk, R., Alexandria. Excavations and preservation work on Kom El-Dikka. Season 2011, PAM 23/1, 23–44
2013 Majcherek, G., Excavating basilicas, Studia Palmyreńskie 12, 251–268
2007 Majcherek, G., Aegean and Asia Minor amphorae from Marina el-Alamein, Cahiers de la Céramique Ēgyptienne 8, 9–32
2004 Majcherek, G., Alexandria’s long-distance trade in Late Antiquity – the amphora evidence. Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens–2002, Athens, 239–250
2004 Majcherek, G., Taha, A., Roman and Byzantine layers at Umm el-Tlel: ceramics and other finds, Syria 81, 229–248
1995 Majcherek, G., Notes on Alexandrian habitat: Roman and Byzantine houses from Kom el-Dikka, TOPOI 5/1, 133–150
1993 Majcherek, G., Roman amphorae from Marina el-Alamein, MDAIK 49, 215–220
1993 Majcherek, G., Taha, A., A selection of Roman and Byzantine pottery from Umm el-Tlel (Syria), Cahiers de l`Euphrate 7, 107–117
1992 Majcherek, G., The late Roman ceramics from sector “G” (Alexandria 1986–87), Etudes et Travaux 16, 81–117
1992 Majcherek, G., Abd el-Aziz el-Shennawi, Research on amphorae production on the northwestern coast of Egypt, Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne 3, 129–136
1990 Majcherek, G., Amphorae, in: W.A. Daszewski et alii, Excavation at Marina el-Alamein 1987–1988, MDAIK 46, 46–51
Editorial work
2014 (managing editor) A. Krzyżanowska, M. Gawlikowski, Monnaies des fouilles polonaises à Palmyre (=Studia Palmyreńskie 13), Warsaw: PCMA, University of Warsaw Press
2013 M. Gawlikowski, G. Majcherek, Fifty Years of Polish Excavations in Palmyra 1959–2000 (=Studia Palmyreńskie 12), Warsaw: PCMA, University of Warsaw Press
2017 Conference “Hellenistic Alexandria. Celebrating 24 centuries” Athens
Paper: “Crumbs from the table or archaeological traces of Hellenistic Alexandria”
2016 Conference „Polacy na Bliskim Wschodzie”, Warsaw
Paper: “Disrupted decade. Polish excavations in Palmyra at the outset of the 21st century”
2016 Conference “Life in Palmyra, Life for Palmyra. Conference in Memory of Khaled Asa’ad (1934–2015)”, Warsaw
Paper: “Military horreum in Palmyra”
2016 Conference “Mobiliers d’Égypte. Archéologie et textes de l’époque hellénistique à la période mamelouke”, Cairo
Paper: “From storing to serving: pottery and glass in domestic context. A view from Roman Alexandria”
2015 Conference “International Syrian Congress on Archaeology and Cultural Heritage”, Beirut
Paper: “Shaping an urban landscape: church buildings in Palmyra”
2015 Greco-Roman Cities at the Crossroads of Cultures, Wrocław
Paper: “Revival or survival? Architectural design in post-classical Alexandria”
2014 Fifth International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean, Archaeology and Archaeometry, Alexandria, Egypt
Paper: “Looking West: African amphorae and the economy of Late Roman Alexandria”
2013 Alexandria: Current Archaeological Research and Future Perspective, The Archaeological Society of Alexandria 120th Anniversary International Conference, Alexandria, Egypt. Paper: “Archaeology’s coming of age. Polish excavations in Alexandria half a century later”
2010 Livres, lectures, bibliotheques dans l’Antiquite tardive, Colloque Internationale, L’Universite de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France
Paper: “The Late Roman lecture halls of Alexandria”
2010 Fifty Years of Polish Excavations in Palmyra 1959-2009,International Conference, Warsaw. Paper: “Excavating basilicas”
2008 Alexandria in Late Antiquity. Education, Art, and Scholarship, Oxford, UK
Paper: “Auditoria and the city: Alexandra in Late Antiquity”
2008 Tradition und Transformation. Ägypten unter römischer Herrschaft, Roemer-und Pelizäeus Museum, Hildesheim, Germany
Paper: “Discovering Alexandria: archaeological research at the Kom el-Dikka site”
2007 25th International Congress of Papyrology, Ann Arbor (University of Michigan), USA
Paper: “The Auditoria on Kom el-Dikka: A Glimpse of Late Antique Education in Alexandria”
2007 Symposium: 70-years of Polish Archaeology in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
Paper: “Alexandria: current Polish research”
2005 The Auditoria of Kom El-Dikka in the Cultural and Educational Life of the Late Antique City: An International Colloquium. University of Warsaw, Bibliotheca Alexandrina Alexandria, Egypt
Paper: “The auditoria of Kom el-Dikka: an archaeological overview”
2005 The Late Antique and Byzantine Education, University of London, London, UK
Paper: “Recent excavation at Alexandria and new archaeological evidence for the Late Antique education”
2005 Late Antique Alexandria Workshop, Budapest CEU, Center for Hellenic Traditions, Budapest, Hungary
Paper: “The city in transition: urban change in Late Roman Alexandria”
2005 Conference: L’enseignement supérieur dans les mondes antiques et médiévaux. Aspects institutionnels, juridiques et pédagogiques, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
Paper: “Archaeology and the academic life in Late Antique Alexandria”
2004 What Happened to the Ancient Library of Alexandria. International seminar, Alexandria, Egypt
Paper: “Academic life of Late Antique Alexandria: A view from the field”
2004 City and Harbour, the Archaeology of Ancient Alexandria, International conference, Oxford, UK
Paper: “Archaeological update on the finds from Kom el-Dikka”
2003 International Seminar: Archaeological Activities in Alexandria and Environs in Ten Years (1993–2003). The Archaeological Society of Alexandria 110 years (1893–2003), Alexandria, Egypt
Paper: “Progress in excavations at the Kom el-Dikka site”
2002 Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. International Colloquium at Danish Institute at Athens, Athens, Greece
Paper: “Alexandria’s long-distance trade in Late Antiquity — the amphora evidence”
2001 Conference: Centanaire de la naissance du Professeur Kazimierz Michałowski (1901–1981), Damascus, Syria
Paper: “Military horreum in the Diocletian camp in Palmyra”
1994 Europe and Egypt, Cooperation in Archaeology, International Symposium, Alexandria, Egypt
Paper: “Recovering Alexandria — Polish excavations in Alexandria”
1992 International Congress Alexandria and the Hellenistic-Roman Word”. 1st Centenary of the Graeco-Roman Museum, Alexandria, Egypt
Paper: “Polish excavations at Kom el-Dikka, 1988–1992”
1990 Round table: „Atelier de potiers et productions céramiques en Égypte”, Cairo, Egypt
Paper: “Research on amphorae production on the North-Western Coast of Egypt”
1988 Fifth International Congress of Egyptology, Cairo, Egypt
Paper: “Remarks on Roman pottery from newly discovered site at Marina (el-Alamein)”
2005 The Auditoria of Kom El-Dikka in the Cultural and Educational Life of the Late Antique City. University of Warsaw, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria (Egypt)
- International Association of Egyptologists
- Société Archéologique d’Alexandrie
2016 Eulogy for W. Kołątaj being awarded the J. Zachwatowicz award by the Polish Commission of ICOMOS for his contribution to the field of monument protection (Warsaw)
2016 Preparation of materials on Palmyra for an exhibition organized by the PCMA UW: “In the shadow of war. Monuments of Syria and Iraq in PCMA UW research” (Warsaw, University of Warsaw)
2016 Training and lectures for antiquity service staff in Egypt (Alexandria)
2014 “Polish Excavations in Alexandria: 50 years later” lecture at the Egyptology Evening (a series of lectures organized by the Vyshehrad Group countries), Cairo, Egypt
2008 “Pogress in the excavation at Kom el-Dikka” lecture at the Société Archéologique d’Alexandrie, Egypt
2008 “Auditoria and the City”, lecture at the PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo, Egypt
2004 “The lecture halls of ancient Alexandria unearthed”, lecture at the Academia Polacca delle Scienze, Rome, Italy
2004 “Late Roman auditoria in Alexandria”, lecture at the PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo, Egypt
2001 “Villa of the Birds. A mosaic restoration project in Alexandria”, lecture at the PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo, Egypt
2000 “Discovering Alexandria: recent Polish excavations at Kom el-Dikka”, lecture at the Egypt Exploration Society, Cairo, Egypt
1999 “Between past and present: Forty years of Polish excavations in Alexandria”, lecture at the PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo, Egypt
1998 “Polish excavations in Alexandria (Kom el-Dikka) — recent discoveries”, lecture at the Société Archéologique d’Alexandrie, Egypt
1995 “Polish excavations in Alexandria (Kom el-Dikka) — recent discoveries”, lecture at the Société Archéologique d’Alexandrie, Egypt