Archaeo-Oriental Studies Seminar: Maritime Archaeology in Egypt, 1996-2023

During the next Archeo-Oriental Studies Seminar, Dr. Ahmed Shokry Omar (Department of Underwater Archaeology, MoTA, Alexandria) will present his research results on “Maritime Archaeology in Egypt, 1996-2023 – The Concept and Terminology”.

Abstract: Though the Department of Underwater Archaeology of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities was inaugurated officially at 1996, the history of underwater discoveries dates back further to the beginning of the 20th Century. Many activities were undertaken by non-scholars, some driven by commercial motivation, while other for archaeological purposes, but neither – using a scientific methodology. Therefore, since the department was inaugurated, underwater excavations have been conducted on several sites by scientific institutions with a proper scientific methods, according to the modern concepts of maritime and underwater archaeology, trying to correct and regulate the newly born branch of research in Egypt.

The seminar will take place on Monday 15th January, at 5 pm (Warsaw Time) on the Zoom platform. 

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