We are pleased to announce that the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of Maciej Wyżgoł of the PCMA UW took place on Thursday, December 22nd, 2022. The dissertation topic is “The identity of an African city in the pre-colonial era. Archaeological studies of the society inhabiting Old Dongola in the declining phase of the city’s functioning”.
The first part of this dissertation is devoted to the household and relationships occurring therein which affect the process of identity creation among house dwellers. It presents the way in which the process of building a house, reproduction of its shape through generations, and use of particular building materials shape family identity. Dongolese house forms and the influence of organisation of space on formation of family and gender relations were analysed. The second part of this dissertation comprises analysis of relations occurring outside of the household that also contribute to the creation of identity among the city dwellers. Cities of the Funj Sultanate, according to travellers visiting them, consisted of districts inhabited by related families. Thus, relations between house compounds in Old Dongola were analysed in regard to the formation of neighbourhoods.
It was the first dissertation focusing on Old Dongola in the Funj period (16th–18th century). Congratulations!
Maciej Wyżgoł defends his PhD/Obrona pracy doktorskiej Macieja Wyżgoła. Fot. A. Deptuła
Maciej Wyżgoł defends his PhD/Obrona pracy doktorskiej Macieja Wyżgoła. Fot. A. Deptuła