We are pleased to announce that the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of Paweł Lech of the PCMA UW took place on Wednesday, December 14th, 2022. The dissertation topic is “Tableware from Tanais. Analysis of import, spatial distribution, function, repair and reuse from the 3rd century BC until the 3rd century AD”.
The dissertation consists of two volumes and contains a study of over two hundred ceramic tableware from Polish archaeological excavations in Tanais. The discussion of the source material covered the period of significant technological and workshop changes that occurred in the production of ceramic vessels not only in Mediterranean workshops but, as the Author has shown, were also reflected in the work of Bosporan workshops. The dissertation was supervised by Assoc. Prof. Tomasz Scholl, with Dr. Marcin Matera as assistant supervisor.
The Doctoral Committee will be proposing the conferral of the doctoral degree to Paweł Lech and recommended the dissertation for distinction.
Obrona rozprawy doktorskiej Pawła Lecha. Fot. P. Zakrzewski
Autoreferat. Fot. P. Zakrzewski
(od prawej) Dr hab. Tomasz Scholl, Dr Marcin Matera, Mgr Paweł Lech. Fot. P. Zakrzewski