The PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo held another seminar of PCMA scholarship-holders. Two lectures were presented during the meeting.

Alicja Kaczmarek talked on the subject: “Moral philosophy according to Al-Ghazzali”

Abstract: Al-Ghazali was one of the most important philosophers and theologians of Islam. He influenced greatly the views of Sunnis, Shiites and Sufis. To this day, his works are read, translated and commented on, the most important of which is the Revival of Religious Sciences, an incredible series of works consisting of four parts, each divided into ten books.

The aim of the speech was to present the content of this work, as well as to discuss its style and composition as distinguishing from other Arabic texts. Most of Al-Ghazali’s ideas on ethics, presented in the book, remain valid today. They regard any area of human life and his connection to God. Al-Ghazali was not afraid of taboo topics, such as sexuality and treated them the same way he talked about fasting. The second part of the speech focused on presenting some Arabic discussions of Al-Ghazali’s works and thoughts.

Zuzanna Nabulssi-Masełbas i Dominik Masełbas presented project: “Preparation of a Polish textbook for learning the Cairo dialect”

Abstract: In the period of July – August 2022, two scholarship holders, Zuzanna Nabulssi-Masełbas and Dominik Masełbas, stayed in Cairo in order to conduct a project aimed at creating a Polish-language textbook for learning Cairene dialect. The book’s advantage is the enrichment of the content with archaeological and diplomatic vocabulary. Thanks to this, the publication will be useful both for archaeologists conducting research in Egypt as well as for diplomats starting their mission in Cairo. Another positive aspect is the fact that due to its influence on television, cinema and theatre, Cairene dialect is one of the most understood dialects in the Arab world.


The seminar was held on Sunday, August 28th, 2022.

You can read more about PCMA Scholarships here.