We were grieved to receive the news of Małgorzata Redlak’s death. Małgosia was not only our friend. First of all, she was an extremely modest, warm, and cordial person, always kind and helpful.
Her passion and the subject of many years of her research at Kom el-Dikka in Alexandria was Islamic pottery, to which she devoted numerous articles and scientific studies, as well as her doctoral thesis. Reliability, responsibility, conscientiousness, great diligence, and scientific inquisitiveness – these are words that describe Małgosia perfectly.
In fact, Małgosia was an Arabic philologist and museologist. For many years she taught Islamic art and architecture at the University of Warsaw while working also at the National Museum in Warsaw. She was the curator of the Islamic art collection in the Gallery of Far Eastern Art. She organized numerous exhibitions on Islamic art and edited accompanying catalogs. She was also the co-author of many studies presenting the objects of Arabic art in Polish museum collections, the scientific consultant of many publications, as well as a promoter of knowledge about Islamic culture and art.
Małgosia was a good person. We express our deepest sympathy for her family.
Renata Kucharczyk i Grzegorz Majcherek
The funeral mass will take place on June 5th at 1 pm in the Church of St. Peter and Paul (in the Parish of St. Barbara, Nowogrodzka st. 51). The funeral will be held at Powązki Wojskowe.

Małgorzata Redlak (Fot. Archiwum prywatne)