Patryk Chudzik (ed), 60 lat Stacji Badawczej w Kairze / 60 Years of the Research Centre in Cairo / ستون عاماً لمركز الأبحاث بالقاهرة, Warsaw: PCMA, 2019
Warsaw 2019
ISBN 978-83-953362-1-8
Pages: 144
Soft cover“The Research Centre of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw (Research Station PCMA UW) in Cairo was established 60 years ago. 1959 is an important date in the history of Polish Mediterranean archaeology – the foundation of the Research Centre was a milestone in the process of building the international position of Polish scholars of humanities. The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology would like to celebrate this anniversary – together with the Polish Embassy in Cairo and the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, as well as with the support of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, we have prepared an anniversary exhibition. The exhibition entitled “60 years of the Research Centre of PCMA UW in Cairo” presents archaeological projects conducted as a result of the presence of Polish researchers in Egypt and many years of Polish-Egyptian cooperation. The Centre in Cairo is the oldest Polish scientific institution in the region of Egypt and the Near East, and from the very beginning of its existence it has coordinated all activities of Polish archaeological missions. It also fulfils an important representative function by promoting Polish science and culture at an international level. The exhibition at the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo corresponds with the efforts for the protection and promotion of cultural heritage, which have always been important for the authorities of the Centre – joint Polish-Egyptian initiatives of the recent years resulted in the opening of modern archaeological visitor routes and some more are in preparation.
This catalogue takes you on a tour around the Egyptian sites explored by successive generations of Polish scholars, not only from the University of Warsaw, but also from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and the Archaeological Museum in Poznań. The history of the Research Centre PCMA UW in Cairo involves dozens of projects and hundreds of Polish archaeologists, Egyptologists, conservators and architects. Many of these researchers committed to a scientific career in research in Egypt. The great interdisciplinary projects at Deir el-Bahari and in Alexandria, launched by professor Michałowski in the initial years of the functioning of the Centre, are still continued today and deliver new information about Egyptian history. Nevertheless, not just the famous sites, but each project implemented by the Centre makes a unique contribution to the development of Polish Mediterranean archaeology, which we would like to present to the visitors of the exhibition.
I would like to thank all the people who made the organization of the anniversary exhibition “60 years of the Research Centre PCMA UW in Cairo” and release of this catalogue possible. Above all, I must express my gratitude to His Excellency prof. Khaled el-Enani, the Egyptian Minister of Antiquities, and His Excellency Michał Łabenda, the Polish Ambassador in Egypt, as well as Dr. Jarosław Gowin, the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education. I am deeply indebted to Dr. Mostafa Waziri, the secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Dr. Nashwa Gaber, the director of the Foreign Missions Affairs and Permanent Committees of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, as well as all their esteemed predecessors, who have shown support and kindness and thus provided grounds for effective cooperation in the Polish and Polish-Egyptian missions throughout the existence of the Centre. I offer my sincere thanks to Dr. Sabah Abdel Razek Seddik Kassem, the Director of the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo for hosting our exhibition and invaluable assistance in its organization.
I am particularly grateful to Dr. Patryk Chudzik, the coordinator of the exhibition, and to all the authors: project heads and mission members. I also appreciate the contribution of the Warsaw office staff members – Katarzyna Szczepkowska, Anna Brzozowska and Ewa Domańska.”
Acting director
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology
University of WarsawFor download: