Failaka Island: Al-Qusur (Kuwait)

Dates of work: 31 October–3 December 2011

Field director: Dr. Magdalena Żurek (Institute of Archaeology, Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw)
Archaeologists: Łukasz Miechowicz (PhD candidate, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Polish Academy of Sciences), Joanna Rądkowska, (PhD candidate, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences), Marek Woźniak (PhD candidate, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Restorer: Ewa Parandowska (National Museum in Warsaw)
Topographer: Roman Łopaciuk (Geomatic Company)

The area of research in the first season of work was located in the northern part of the vast Al-Qusur site. A topographical grid was set up and surface remains were mapped within the whole fenced enclosure under protection by the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters. In all, nine architectural complexes were recorded of which Complex III was chosen for excavation. Two houses were recorded, of which at least one consisted of two room; there is also evidence of at least three occupation phases, all within the Early Islamic period.

[Text: PAM]

M. Żurek: