Banganarti and Selib (Sudan)

Dates of work: 29 December 2010–3 March 2011

Director: Dr. Bogdan Żurawski (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Scences)
NCAM representative: Fathiya Abd er-Rahman
Archaeologists: Aneta Cedro (PhD candidate, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń), Mariusz Drzewiecki (PhD candidate, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań), Aleksandra Głąb (independent), Roksana Hajduga (PhD candidate, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences), Ewa Skowrońska (independent), Katarzyna Solarska (PhD candidate, University of Rzeszów)
Restorer: Tadeusz Badowski (freelance)
Archaeologist-restorer: Katarzyna Molga (freelance)
Iconologist, specialist in Christian wall paintings: Dr. Magdalena Łaptaś (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warszawa)
Archaeologist-epigraphist: Agata Deptuła (PhD candidate, University of Warsaw)
Documentalist: Katarzyna Mich, student of archaeology and theology (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Volunteer: Wojciech Pluta-Plutowski (photographer, restoration assistant)
Photogrammetrists: Łukasz Banaszek, Adrian Chlebowski (both freelance)

The report summarizes work carried out during the 2011 season by the archaeological and restoration mission at Banganarti (Upper and Lower Churches, eastern tower of the fortifica¬tions, house SW1 in the southwestern part of the church enclosure) and at two sites in Selib: the church enclosure at Selib 1 and the Meroitic settlement at Selib 2. In the case of the earlier Selib church, inscriptions on the outer wall of the church have confirmed its dedication to St Menas. A baptistery tank associated with the oldest church on site and a lime-plastered rectangular tank approached by a flight of steps were also discovered. A large earthenware polylobed tray was also recorded from the fill of the latest trench.

[Text: PAM]

B. Żurawski: