Prof. dr hab. Piotr Bieliński
Zakład Studiów Bliskowschodnich
(pokój 207)
Bieliński, P., Pieńkowska, A., Białowarczuk, M., Kiersnowski, H., Bukowski, K., & Lenarczyk, S. (2023). Patterns of pre-Islamic settlement in the Qumayrah microregion, northern Oman: First results of an archaeological and geological survey. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 1– 17. (https://doi.org/10.1111/aae.12226)
Bieliński, P. (2019). Chalcolithic settlement of Bahra 1 and its possible functions. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 2019; 00: 1–6. (doi.org/10.1111/aae.12139)
Bieliński, P. (2019). A small Ninevite 5 period shrine from Tell Arbid. In P. Abrahami & L. Battini (Eds.), Ina d marri u qan ṭuppi. Par la bêche et le stylet ! Cultures et sociétés syro-mésopotamiennes : mélanges offerts à Olivier Rouault (pp. 61–67). Oxford: Archaeopress.
Bieliński, P. (2018). Bahrah 1: eight years of excavations of an Ubaid culture-related settlement in the al-Sabiyyah desert (Kuwait). PSAS, 48, 22–30.
Bieliński, P. (2018). Polish archaeology for the safeguarding of world heritage. Bulletin of the Polish National Commission for UNESCO, 2017/18, 37–40.
Bieliński, P. (2017). The architecture of Bahra 1, an Ubaid culture-related settlement in Kuwait. Ash-Sharq, 1(1), 104–111.
Bieliński, P. (2016). A sealing from Tell Arbid: once more about seal impressions on ceramic vessels. In B. Perello & A. Tenu (Eds.), Parcours d’Orient: recueil de textes offert à Christine Kepinski (pp. 9–12). Oxford: Archaeopress.
Bieliński, P. (2016). Introduction // Excavations in Units 3, 6, 10, 11, 14 and the north part of House 2. In P. Bieliński, M. Białowarczuk, A. Reiche, A. Smogorzewska, & A. Szymczak, Bahra 1. Excavations in 2014 and 2015. Preliminary report on the sixth and seventh seasons of Kuwaiti-Polish archaeological investigations (pp. 9–52). Kuwait–Warsaw: National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters of the State of Kuwait; PCMA UW.
Bieliński, P. (2016). Tell Arbid (Hassake). In Y. Kanjou & A. Tsuneki (Eds.), A history of Syria in one hundred sites (pp. 265–267). Oxford: Archaeopress.
Bieliński, P., Białowarczuk, M., Reiche, A., Smogorzewska, A., & Szymczak, A. (2016). Bahra 1. Excavations in 2014 and 2015. Preliminary report on the sixth and seventh seasons of Kuwaiti-Polish archaeological investigations. Kuwait–Warsaw: National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters of the State of Kuwait; PCMA UW.
Bieliński, P. (2016). Anna Sadurska 1924–2004. In W. Baraniewski, W. Tygielski, & A. K. Wróblewski (Eds.), Portrety uczonych: Profesorowie Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego po 1945, S-Ż (pp. 10–18). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Bieliński, P. (2015). Bahra 1 settlement. An overview of main features investigated during the fourth season of excavations. In As-Sabbiya. Autumn 2012. Report on the eighth season of joint Kuwaiti–Polish archaeological investigations in Kuwait: Bahra 1, Ubaid culture related settlement (4th season) (pp. 8–38). Unpubl. report.
Bieliński, P. (2015). Excavations in Units 3, 6, 9–12. In P. Bieliński, M. Białowarczuk, H. Kiersnowski, J. Piątkowska-Małecka, A. Reiche, A. Smogorzewska, & A. Szymczak, Bahra 1. Excavations in 2013: Preliminary report on the fifth season of Kuwaiti-Polish archaeological explorations (pp. 11–39). Kuwait–Warsaw: National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters of the State of Kuwait; PCMA UW.
Bieliński, P., Białowarczuk, M., Kiersnowski, H., Piątkowska-Małecka, J., Reiche, A., Smogorzewska, A., & Szymczak, A. (2015). Bahra 1. Excavations in 2013: Preliminary report on the fifth season of Kuwaiti-Polish archaeological explorations. Kuwait–Warsaw: National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters of the State of Kuwait; PCMA UW.
Bieliński, P. (2013). Four Assyrian cylinder seals from Polish excavations in Northern Iraq. EtTrav, 26, 129–134.
Bieliński, P. (2013). Polish archeological projects in Asian part of the Middle East. In M. Trelka (Ed.), Poland for world heritage (pp. 81–109). Warszawa: Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa.
Bieliński, P. (2013). Preliminary results of the fifteenth field season of joint Polish–Syrian explorations on Tell Arbid (2010). Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 22, 351–370.
Bieliński, P. (2012). A lead “Ishtar” type figurine from Tell Djassa el Gharbi. In P. Quenet & M. Al-Maqdissi (Eds.), “L’heure immobile” entre ciel et terre : melanges en l’honneur d’Antoine Souleiman (pp. 5–7). Turnhout: Brepols.
Bieliński, P. (2012). Tell Arbid 2008–2009. Preliminary report on the results of the thirteenth and fourteenth seasons of Polish–Syrian excavations. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 21, 511–536.
Bieliński, P. (2011). Bahra 1: a prehistoric settlement. In Ł. Rutkowski (Ed.), Kuwaiti–Polish archaeological investigations in Northern Kuwait. As-Sabbiya 2007–2010 (pp. 32–37). Al-Jahra–Warsaw: National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters of the State of Kuwait; PCMA UW.
Bieliński, P. (2010). Tell Arbid. Preliminary report on the results of the twelfth season of Syrian–Polish excavations. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 19, 537–554.
Bieliński, P. (2009). Some cylinder seal impressions on pottery from Tell Arbid. In O. Drewnowska (Ed.), Here & there across the ancient Near East: Studies in honour of Krystyna Łyczkowska (pp. 5–11). Warsaw: Agade.
Bieliński, P. (2009). Tell Arbid w północno-wschodniej Syrii [Tell Arbid in north-eastern Syria]. In B. Kaim (Ed.), Blisko i daleko: księga jubileuszowa Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (pp. 105–114). Warsaw: Instytut Archeologii UW.
Bieliński, P. (2008). Tell Arbid. Preliminary report on the eleventh season of Polish-Syrian explorations (2006). Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 18, 549–561.
Bieliński, P. (2007). Rad Šaqra, Tall. In Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie XI (p. 223). Berlin–New York: De Gruyter.
Bieliński, P. (2007). Rağim, Tall. In Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie XI (p. 230). Berlin–New York: De Gruyter.
Bieliński, P. (2007). Tell Arbid. Report on the Syrian-Polish explorations in 2005. The tenth season. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 17, 451–471.
Bieliński, P. (2005). Arcaded houses from Tell Djassa El Gharbi and Tell Rad Shaqrah. In P. Bieliński & F. M. Stepniowski (Eds.), Aux pays d’Allat: mélanges offerts à Michał Gawlikowski (pp. 31–42). Warszawa: Instytut Archeologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski.
Bieliński, P. (2005). Tell Arbid. The ninth season of Syrian-Polish excavations. Preliminary report. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 16, 475–489.
Bieliński, P., & Stępniowski, F. M. (Eds.). (2005). Aux pays d’Allat: mélanges offerts à Michał Gawlikowski. Warszawa: Instytut Archeologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski.
Bieliński, P. (2004). Tell Arbid. The 2003 campaign of Polish-Syrian excavations. Preliminary report. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 15, 335–353.
Bieliński, P., & Ławecka, D. (2004). `Arbid, Tell. In S. Anastasio, M. Lebeau, & M. Sauvage, Atlas of preclassical Upper Mesopotamia. Turnhout: Brepols.
Bieliński, P., & Ławecka, D. (2004). Jassas, Tell. In S. Anastasio, M. Lebeau, & M. Sauvage, Atlas of preclassical Upper Mesopotamia. Turnhout: Brepols.
Bieliński, P., & Ławecka, D. (2004). Raffan, Tell. In S. Anastasio, M. Lebeau, & M. Sauvage, Atlas of preclassical Upper Mesopotamia. Turnhout: Brepols.
Bieliński, P. (2003). Ninevite 5 burials at Tell Rijim. In E. Rova & H. Weiss (Eds.), The origins of north Mesopotamian civilization: Ninevite 5 chronology, economy, society (pp. 493–511). Turnhout: Brepols.
Bieliński, P. (2003). Stanisław Kostka Potocki i Babilon. In J. Miziołek (Ed.), Ars et educatio: kultura artystyczna Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (pp. 101–106). Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski.
Bieliński, P. (2003). Tell Arbid. The seventh season of excavations. Preliminary report. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 14, 301–314.
Bieliński, P. (2002). A small limestone head from Tell Rad Shaqrah and its distant “cousin” from Tell Brak. In L. Al-Gailani Werr, J. Curtis, H. P. Martin, J. Oates, & J. Reade (Eds.), Of pots and plans: Papers on the archaeology and history of Mesopotamia and Syria presented to David Oates in honour of his 75th birthday (pp. 1–4). London: NABU.
Bieliński, P. (2002). Tell Arbid. The sixth campaign of excavations. Preliminary report. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 13, 279–294.
Bieliński, P. (2001). Tell Arbid. Interim report of the fifth season. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 12, 315–326.
Bieliński, P. (2000). An Early Iron Age stamp seal from Tell Arbid. In K. M. Ciałowicz & J. A. Ostrowski (Eds.), Les civilisations du bassin Méditerranéen: hommages à Joachim Śliwa (pp. 327–330). Kraków: Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
Bieliński, P. (2000). Sztuka Anatolii. In Sztuka świata, vol. XI (pp. 9–39). Warszawa: Arkady.
Bieliński, P. (2000). Sztuka Syrii i Libanu do czasów Aleksandra Wielkiego. In Sztuka świata, vol. XI (pp. 41–69). Warszawa: Arkady.
Bieliński, P. (2000). Tell Arbid. The fourth season. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 11, 273–284.
Bieliński, P. (1999). Domy mieszkalne z Tell Rad Szakra – zabudowa małych miast północnej Mezopotamii w III tysiącleciu p.n.e. Światowit, 1 (42) Fasc. A, 17–20.
Bieliński, P. (1999). Neolit i rewolucja. In J. Lech & F. M. Stępniowski (Eds.), V. Gordon Childe i archeologia w XX wieku (pp. 101–110). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Bieliński, P. (1999). Tell Arbid. Preliminary report, 1998. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 10, 205–216.
Bieliński, P. (1998). Tell Arbid. Second campaign of Syro-Polish excavations. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 9, 212–223.
Bieliński, P. (1998). Tell Rad Shaqrah 1992. Chronique Archéologique En Syrie, 1, 60–64.
Bieliński, P. (1997). Preliminary report on the first season of Syro-Polish excavations on Tell Arbid. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 8, 203–211.
Bieliński, P. (1996). Tell Rad Shaqrah. Excavations 1995. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 7, 160–170.
Bieliński, P. (1996). Tell Rad Shaqrah: excavations 1995. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 7, 160–170.
Bieliński, P. (1995). Od Eufratu do Tygrysu i jeszcze dalej. In M. L. Bernhard (Ed.), Od Nilu do Eufratu: polska archeologia śródziemnomorska 1981–1994 (pp. 119–126). Warsaw: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej im. prof. Kazimierza Michałowskiego.
Bieliński, P. (1995). Tell Rad Shaqrah 1994. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 6, 109–117.
Bieliński, P. (1994a). Tell Rad Shaqrah 1993. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 5, 154–163.
Bieliński, P. (1994b). Tell Rad Shaqrah 1993. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 5, 154–163.
Bieliński, P. (1993). Tell Rad Shaqrah 1992 – the fifth season of explorations in Northeast Syria. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 4, 119–127.
Bieliński, P. (1992). Metrological aspects of Mesopotamian pottery of the 3rd millenium BC. Archaeologia Polona, 30, 53–59.
Bieliński, P. (1992). Tell Raffaan and Tell Rijim – first season of Polish excavations in the Eski Mosul Region – Iraq. EtTrav, 16, 273–277.
Bieliński, P. (1992). Tell Rijim and Tell Raffaan 1985 – two campaigns of Polish excavations in northern Iraq. EtTrav, 16, 279–288.
Bieliński, P. (1992). The first campaign of excavations on Tell Rad Shaqrah (Hasake Southern Dam Basin). Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 3, 77–85.
Bieliński, P. (1992). The first campaign of excavations on Tell Rad Shaqrah (Hasake Southern Dam Basin). Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 3, 77–85.
Bieliński, P., & Taracha, P. (1992). Board games in the Eastern Mediterranean. Some aspects of cultural interrelations. In Studia Aegaea et Balcanica: in honorem Lodovicae Press (pp. 41–52). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Bieliński, P. (1991). The third season of excavations in northeast Syria, 1990. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2, 94–101.
Bieliński, P. (1991). “Ubaid Północny”: Mezopotamia pomiędzy Dijalą a Haburem w latach 4800-4000 p.n.e. [“Northern Ubaid”: Mesopotamia between Dijala and Khabur in the years 4800-4000 BC]. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Fundacji “Historia pro Futuro.”
Bieliński, P. (1990). Polish excavations in northeast Syria 1988–1989. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1, 17–25.
Bieliński, P. (1990). Two zoomorphic vessels from Northern Mesopotamia. EtTrav, 15, 51–56.
Bieliński, P. (1987). Les vases en pierre de Tell el-Saadiya et des autres sites obeidiens. In Préhistoire de la Mésopotamie : la Mésopotamie préhistorique et l’exploration récente du djebel Hamrin, Paris, 17-18-19 décembre 1984 (pp. 261–275). Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
Bieliński, P. (1987). Preliminary report on the third season of Polish excavations on Tell Rijim Omar Dalle, Saddam`s Dam Project Area. In Researchs [sic] on the antiquities of Saddam Dam Basin salvage and other researches. (pp. 24–32). Baghdad: State Organization of Antiquities & Heritage, Ministry of Culture & Information.
Bieliński, P. (1987). Tall Raffan and Tall Rigm. Two seasons of Polish excavations 1984-85. Archiv Für Orientforschung, 34, 206–208.
Bieliński, P. (1987). Tell Raffaan and Tell Rijim 1984–85. In Researchs [sic] on the antiquities of Saddam Dam Basin salvage and other researches. (pp. 13–19). Baghdad: State Organization of Antiquities & Heritage, Ministry of Culture & Information.
Bieliński, P. (1985). Gustave Doré et la ziggurat de Babylone. In Le dessin d’architecture dans les sociétés antiques: actes du Colloque de Strasbourg, 26-28 janvier 1984. (pp. 59–62). Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Bieliński, P. (1985). Starożytny Bliski Wschód: od początków gospodarki rolniczej do wprowadzenia pisma. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
Bieliński, P., & Kozłowski, S. K. (1984). Tell el-Saadiya. A preliminary report on the first season of excavations. Sumer, 40, 103–106.
Bieliński, P. (1980). Deux sceaux chypriotes au Musée National de Varsovie. Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego W Warszawie, 24, 69–77.
Bieliński, P. (1978). Deux cylindres assyriens des fouilles polonaises à Nimrud. EtTrav, 10, 63–68.
Bieliński, P. (1978). Un cachet hittite du Musée National de Varsovie. Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, 22, 7–10.
Bieliński, P. (1974). A prism-shaped stamp seal in Warsaw and related stamps. Berytus, 23, 53–69.