Dr Magdalena M. Woźniak
Zakład Studiów Afrykańskich
(pokój 113a)
Zainteresowania badawcze
- Produkcja tekstylna Nubii chrześcijańskiej
- Odzież i tożsamość
- Polityczne i handlowe stosunki między królestwem Makurii a Egiptem
- Ikonografia królewska (Makuria, IX–XV wiek)
- Relacje między dekoracją i architekturą
2022 Embroidery and needlework, EuroWeb Training School, Muro Leccese (IT).
2022 Theoretical concepts on dress and identity, visual codes in prehistoric and historic societies, EuroWeb workshop hosted be the Natural History Museum, Vienna (AT).
2021 Orthophoto/Agisoft Training, Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW.
2017 Session technique 1, Centre International d’Etude des Textiles Anciens, Lyon, dir. Marie-Hélène Guelton.
2015 Intensive Textile Course, Textile Research Centre, Leiden, dir. Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood.
2013 Rozprawa doktorska „Iconographie des souverains et des dignitaires de la Nubie chrétienne : les vêtements d’apparat”. Promotor prof. dr hab. François Baratte (Uniwersytet Paris IV-Sorbonne).
1999–2005 studia w zakresie archeologii, Uniwersytet Paris IV-Sorbonne.
Stanowiska i funkcje
od 2023 Adiunkt, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen (DK) (part-time). ERC Project Fashioning Sudan. Archaeology of Dress along the Middle Nile (kierownik Dr. Elsa Yvanez, grant nr. 851871)
od 2020 Adiunkt w Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW.
2016–2019 Post-doc (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow) w Instytucie Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
2013–2014 Adiunkt, Uniwersytet Poitiers, Wydział Historii Sztuki i Archeologii, (1 semestr).
2022-2024 Costumes of Authority. The Image of Royalty and Clergy in Christian Nubia (kierownik Karel Innemée). Grant POLONEZ BIS 2021/43/P/HS3/00764, Narodowe Centrum Nauki. Wydział Archeologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski.
2022-2025 Life and Death in Trying Times: A Bioarchaeological Study of the Effect of Socio-political and Climatic Changes on the Memphite population of Saqqara, Egypt (kierownik Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin). Grant OPUS 2021/41/B/HS3/00471, Narodowe Centrum Nauki. Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW.
2020-2024 EuroWeb, Europe Through Textiles: Network for an integrated and interdisciplinary Humanities, COST Action 19131. Uniwersytet Warszawski.
2020-2023 UMMA – Urban Metamorphosis of the community of a Medieval African capital city (kierownik Artur Obłuski), ERC Starting Grant 759926. Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW.
2016–2019 „Nubian textiles: craft, trade, costume and identity in the medieval kingdom of Makuria”, grant POLONEZ NCN 2015/19/P/HS3/02100 – Horizon 2020 Framework Programme within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofund. Grant realizowany w latach 2016–2019 w Instytucie Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
Inne projekty archeologiczne
2012 udział w survey’u w rejonie 5. katarakty (kierownik M. Drzewiecki, UAM).
2006–2012 udział w misji archeologicznej Banganarti i misji ratowniczej w rejonie 4. katarakty (kierownik B. Żurawski, IKŚiO PAN).
2022 IDUB grant I.2.4. (Supporting publishing activity in the open access model), University of Warsaw (2 500€)
2021 IDUB grant IV.3.1. (Internal grants of the University of Warsaw for the employees’ research potential increase), dye analyses. University of Warsaw (2 500€)
2008 5-miesięczne stypendium naukowe CAŚ UW w Kairze.
Rozdziały w książkach
Wozniak M.M. (2022) “Exploring textile production in medieval Banganarti: a preliminary report about spindle-whorls”, in Żurawski B. (ed), Banganarti Studies II, IMOC PAS, Warsaw, 215-228
Wozniak M.M. (2014) „The contribution of portraits Banganarti to the study of costume and textiles” in Żurawski B. (ed.), Kings and Pilgrims. St Raphael Church Banganarti II in mid-eleventh to mid-Eighteenth Century, Warsaw, 315–323.
Artykuły naukowe
Wozniak, M. M., Witkowski, B., Gierczak, T., & Biesaga, M. (2023) „First dye identification analyses conducted on textiles from Old Dongola (Sudan, 17th–18th centuries ce)”. Archaeometry.
Wozniak M.M., Yvanez E., (submitted to Hallman A. (ed.), Outward Appearance vs. Inward Significance: Addressing Identities through Attire in the Ancient World, Oriental Institute Series 15. Chicago, Oriental Institute) “Changing textiles, shifting identities? Costume and political allegiance in Late Antic Nubia”.
Ulanowska A., Gomes F.B., Iancu A., Margariti C., Nabais P., Nosch M.-L., Quillien L., Meo F., Lukesowa H and Wozniak M.M. 2022, “EuroWeb COST Action 19131: Europe through Textiles. Network for an integrated and interdisciplinary Humanities: A mid-term report”, Archaeologial Textiles Review 64, 147-155.
Wozniak, M. M., & Belka, Z. (2022). The Provenance of Ancient Cotton and Wool Textiles from Nubia: Insights from Technical Textile Analysis and Strontium Isotopes, Journal of African Archaeology (published online ahead of print 2022). doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/21915784-bja10019
Wozniak, M.M. 2021, “Funerary Textiles in Situ: an interdisciplinary workshop”, Archaeological Textiles Review 63, 153-155
Wozniak M.M., Witkowski B., Ganeczko M., Gierczak T., Gierczak M., (2021). Textile dyeing in Medieval Sudan evidenced by HPLC-MS analyses: Material traces of a disappeared activity, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103098
Wozniak, M.M. 2020, “Textile material from Old Dongola: preliminary observations on trade and sartorial practices in the Ottoman period”, PAM 29 (2), 739-759. DOI: 10.31338/uw.2083-537X.pam29.2.3
Wozniak M.M., Czaja B. (2020), “Contribution to the study of the textiles from Meinarti (Medieval Nubia)”, Archaeological Textile Review 62, 45–55.
Wozniak M.M., (2019), „Études des peintures murales médiévales soudanaises de 1963 à nos jours – Essai d’historiographie”, Afriques, Débats, méthodes et terrains d’histoire 10. DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/afriqu
Yvanez E., Wozniak M.M. (2019), “Cotton in ancient Sudan and Nubia: archaeological sources and historical implications”, in Bouchaud C. & Yvanez E. (eds), Cotton in the Old World. Proceedings of the conference held in May 2017 at the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Revue d’Ethnoécologie 15, 2019. URL: https://journals.openedition.org/ethnoecologie/4429
Wozniak M.M. (2018), „The miniature of Ms Or. Quart. 1020 (Berlin State Library).” In Honegger M. (ed), Nubian Archaeology of the XXIst Century, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference for Nubian Studies, Neuchâtel, 1st–6th September 2014, 625–630.
Wozniak M.M. (2016), „The chronology of the Eastern chapels in Banganarti Upper Church –some observations on the genesis of the „apse portraits” in Nubian royal iconography.” in Łajtar, A. Zych, I., Obłuski A. (eds), Aegyptus and Nubia Christiana. The Włodzimierz Godlewski Jubilee Volume on the Occasion of his 70th birthday, Warsaw, 629–646.
Wozniak M.M. (2014), „Royal Iconography. Contribution to the study of costume” in J.R. Anderson, D. A. Welsby (eds), The Fourth Cataract and Beyond. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference for Nubian Studies [= British Museum Publications on Egypt and Sudan, 1], Louvain, Paris, 929–942.
Wozniak M.M. (2012), „Byzantine influence: the royal costume in Nubia (tenth century).” in Guilhem E. (ed), Collana: Confronti su Bisanzio, 2012, 4–18. On-line porphyra. International academic paper in Byzantine Studies. URL: http://www.porphyra.it/ConfrontisuBisanzio1.pdf
Wozniak M.M. (2011), „Byzantine influence in art Nubian” in Lamare N., Lecat Z., Rocca E. & Uberti M. (eds), Le passé et son héritage, 80-90. URL: http://www.orient-mediterranee.com/spip.php?article749
Wozniak M.M. (2008), “Shemkhiya 2006–2007: Post-Meroitic Cemeteries. A preliminary report”, CRIPEL Suppl. 7, 173–181.
Czynny udział
2022 co-author Barbara Czaja. “Decorated wool textiles from Funj period at Old Dongola”, 15th International Conference for Nubian Studies, Warsaw (PL).
2022 co-author Karel Innemée. „Nubian Dress of Authority and Byzantine Tradition”, 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Venice and Padua (IT).
2022 (invited) „Made in Nubia: the Meinarti kilim case-study”, DRESSED Conference, Berlin (DE).
2021 co-author Elsa Yvanez (PCMA UW). “Recontextualising textiles in the grave”, Sudan Studies Day Conference, Warsaw Edition, National Museum, Warsaw and on-line (PL).
2021 “From Byzantium to Baghdad. Fashion trends at the medieval court of Makuria (Sudan)”, Old Textiles, More Possibilities, CTR 15th Anniversary Conference, Copenhagen and on-line (DK).
2020 (invited) “Beauty, Power, Mystery. Silk in Byzantine Commonwealth and beyond. The material evidence. Cherven Town – the Golden Apple of Polish Archaeology Workshop n°8. Leipzig – Rzeszow, on-line (DE/PL).
2020 (invited) “Dyeing textiles in Medieval Sudan – results of the HPLC-MS analysis and their interpretation”, Konferencja Metamorfozy koloru w sztuce, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, on-line (PL).
2020 “Blue in iconography and textiles in the medieval kingdom of Makuria (Sudan) – a state of the art”, The colour BLUE in ancient Egypt and Sudan, CTR, Copenhagen (DK).
2019 28th General Assembly and Congress of CIETA, Deutsches Textilmuseum, Krefeld
Referat: „Identification of Dyes in Textiles from Late Antiquity and Medieval Sudan (4th–15th c. CE)”
2018 14th International Society for Nubian Studies Conference, Paryż
Referat (z dr E. Yvanez, CTR, Kopenhaga): „Changing textiles – shifting identities? Costume and political allegiance in Late Antic Nubia”
2018 Polacy nad Nilem, Warszawa
Referat: „Kilka słów o projekcie Nubian Textiles”
2018 5. Kongres Polskich Afrykanistów, Huta Szklana, Święty Krzyż
Referat: „Dostojnicy z Gebel Adda – ubiór a tożsamość w ostatnim okresie trwania królestwa Makurii (XIII–XV wiek, Sudan)”
2017 10th Textiles from the Nile Valley Conference, Antwerpia
Referat: „Textile trade between Egypt and Nubia in the medieval period”
2017 XXIV Ogólnopolska Konferencja Nubiologiczna, Gdańsk
Referat: „Pierwsze wyniki badań barwników w średniowiecznych tkaninach pochodzących z Meinarti”
2017 Konferencja “Cotton in the Old World: domestication, cultivation, use and trade”, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paryż
Referat: „Cotton in the textile production of Medieval Nubia: state of art”
2016 Pratiques rituelles au Soudan ancien : gestes, paroles, mobiliers. 3e colloque des jeunes chercheurs en archéologie du Soudan. Paryż, INHA
Referat: „Le costume des rois de Makouria : signes d’un héritage kouchite?”
2016 Workshop Couleur x Afrique. Fabrique et utilisation, perception et dénomination, Paryż, INHA
Referat (z dr D. Zielińską, UW): „Le bleu dans la peinture murale : technique et symbolique”
2015 Konferencja „Chrześcijańskie malarstwo w Nubii”, Warszawa
Referat: „O Bizantyńskim stroju władcy Makurii”
2014 13th International Conference of Nubian Studies, Neuchâtel
Referat: „The miniature of Ms Or Quart. 1020 (Berlin State Library)”
2012 12th International Conference of Nubian Studies, London, British Museum
Referat: „Royal Iconography: Contribution to the study of Costume”
2007 4th International Conference on the Archaeology of the 4th Cataract of the Nile, Lille, University Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3
Referaty: „Royal Iconography: Contribution to the study of Costume”, „Shemkhiya 2006–2007: Post-Meroitic Cemeteries. A preliminary report”
Warsztaty i seminaria
2023 “Royal apparition: snapshots from medieval Sudan”, Making, Wearing, Displaying: Textiles and the Body, International EuroWeb Workhsop, Lisbon (PT).
2022 “Some reflections on fibre provenance and processing in Old Dongola, Sudan”, International Workshop on Current Research in Textile Archaeology along the Nile, CTR, Copenhagen (DK).
2022 co-author Katarzyna de Lellis-Danys (PCMA UW). „Cross craft approach to ceramic spindle whorls from Old Dongola (Sudan)”, Intra-Cross-Craft Analysis Workshop: Investigating Linkages within Craft Industries, Department of Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PL).
2021 “Wrapping practices in medieval time. Case-studies from Gebel Adda (Sudan)”. Funerary Textiles in situ. Interdisciplinary online workshop. PCMA UW, Warsaw (PL).
2020 “Textiles in Old Dongola – preliminary results”, ERC Project UMMA, Internal workshop, PCMA UW, Warsaw (PL).
2019 “Nubian fashion, Egyptian clothes – Texts, iconography and archaeological evidence”, workshop Frontier Wanderings. Relations across the First Cataract: movement of people, ideas, goods, skills and craftsmanship (6th–15th century), University of Warsaw.
2019 „Some observations about the attributes of administrative offices in Nubian portraits of Church and court dignitaries „, workshop Bishops and Bishoprics (Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia, fourth-thirteenth century, Paris, INHA.
2019 „Nubian Textiles project: an investigation of textiles and textile production in medieval Sudan”, CTR Textile Seminar – Current Research in Textile Archaeology along the Nile, Copenhagen.
2017 “Dye analysis of medieval Nubian textiles (Sudan, 13th c.)” (poster), DHA 36 (Dyes in History and Archaeology) Conference, Royal School of Needlework at Hampton Court Palace, London.
2017 „Nubian Textiles – raport z badań po pierwszym roku projektu”, Seminarium IKŚiO PAN.
2017 „Chartum, Londyn, Toronto – o badaniach tkanin średniowiecznej Nubii”, Dni Narodowego Centrum Nauki, Kielce, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego.
2017 „Nubian textiles: craft, trade, costume and identity in the medieval kingdom of Makuria – goals and methodology”, Textile Seminar, Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg.
2017 ” ’Suknie i koce’ z Meinarti”, Seminarium Archeologii Egiptu i Sudanu, Instytut Archeologii UW.
2012 „Rayonnement de Byzance : le costume royal nubien (10e-11e s.)”, 5e Rencontre internationale des doctorants en études byzantines, Paris, INHA.
2012 „The regalia of the sovereign of Christian Nubia”, Doctoral Seminar of Late Antiquity, University Paris IV-Sorbonne, dir. Pr. François Baratte.
2010 „L’influence byzantine dans l’art nubien”, Journée doctorale sur le thème Le passé et son heritage : modalités et enjeux dans les sociétés du monde romain et de l’Antiquité tardive (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne), Paris, INHA.
2023 Making, Wearing, Displaying: Textiles and the Body, EuroWeb Workshop, Lisbon (PT). Organising Committee.
2022 15th International Conference for Nubian Studies, 28 August-3 September, Warsaw (PL). Organising Committee.
2022 Approaching the Eparch of Nobadia workshop, 15th International Conference for Nubian Studies, 1st of September, Warsaw (PL). Co-organised with Robin Seignobos (University of Lyon 2, FR).
2022 Clothing Identities, EuroWeb Conference, 4-6 May. On-line. Co-organised with Cecilie Brøns (Glyptoteket, Copenhagen, DK) and Paula Nabais (LAQV-REQUIMTE, Caparica, PT).
2022 Embroidery and needlework, EuroWeb Training School, Muro Leccese (IT). Organising Committee.
2021 Funerary textiles in situ. Interdisciplinary online workshop. PCMA UW, Warsaw (PL)/EuroWeb. Co-organised with Elsa Yvanez (PCMA UW/ULAM Programme) 14-15 April.
2018 współorganizacja z dr A. Ulanowską (UW) i dr M. Żuchowską (UW) konferencji „Archeologia włókiennictwa w Polsce – nowe badania, nowi badacze”, 27–28 marca 2018 r., Warszawa, Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego/Państwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne w Warszawie.
2016 współorganizacja z S. Maillot (Uniwersytet Paris IV-Sorbonne/SFDAS) i T. Sakamoto (Uniwersytet Lille) 3. spotkania młodych naukowców archeologii Sudanu „Pratiques rituelles au Soudan ancien : gestes, paroles, mobiliers. ParyŻ, Instytut Narodowy Historii Sztuki (INHA), 6-7 maja 2016 r.
2019 organizacja wystawy „Hidden Textile Treasures in the collections of the Sudan National Museum” w Muzeum Narodowym w Chartumie. W ramach projektu “Nubian Textiles” (NCN 2015/19/P/HS3/02100).
2017 warsztat „Archeologia kolorowych nici” (z A.M. Filipek UW/IKŚiO PAN) w ramach Festiwalu Nauki PAN.
2005–2010 przewodnik (stanowiska średniowieczne miasta Argenteuil, wystawy stałe i czasowe w Musée Municipal, Noce Muzeów, Dni Dziedzictwa Kultury), Departement du Développement Culturel, Argenteuil (95- FR).
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