Workshop on Bronze and Iron Age pottery in Northern Oman

The Department of Middle East Studies PCMA UW holds a workshop: “Pottery in Archaeology. From archaeometric analysis to social aspects of Bronze and Iron Age Pottery in Northern Oman”. It is related to the PCMA UW project in the Qumayrah micro-region in the Hajar mountains of Northern Oman.

This workshop focuses on the production and exchange of pottery in northern Oman, with particular emphasis on the mountain’s region perspective. Through the analysis of pottery from the Early Bronze Age and Iron Age, we will discuss the socio-economic aspects related to its distribution and trade in this part of Oman, offering a unique viewpoint on how geographical features influenced both production processes and trade routes. The workshop aims to deepen the understanding of the cultural and economic interactions that shaped the development of pottery in central Oman. The results will shed more light on the complex network of exchange and the crucial role of pottery in thedaily life as well as in the economies of ancient communities.

The event features participants from the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, Sultanate of Oman. It is organized by Dr. Agnieszka Pieńkowska (PCMA UW) and Maciej Sobczak (Doctoral School of Humanities UW). It takes place at the PCMA UW office in 69 Prosta st. on Tuesday 4th, 2024 from 10.30 till 1 pm.


10.30–11.00 Piotr Bieliński (PCMA UW),
“Pots and people” – the social aspect of pottery production and usage

11.00–11.30 Maciej Sobczak (Doctoral School of Humanities UW),
Macroscopic analysis of Umm an-Nar pottery from Ain bani Saidah Bronze Age settlement.

11.30–12.00 Łukasz Rutkowski (PCMA UW),
Preliminary Analysis of Pottery from an Umm an-Nar Period Tomb (QA 1-1) at Ayn Bani Saidah, Oman

12.00–12.30 Samiya al Sakshi (Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, Sultanate of Oman),
Bronze Age sites from Sultanate of Oman: pottery of Umm an Nar period from Dahwa settlement

12.30–13.00 Mateusz Iskra (PCMA UW), Barbara Woronko, Katarzyna Zalewska (both Faculty of Geology UW), Tomasz M. Kossowski,
Results of archaeometric analysis of Iron age pottery from Ain Bani Sa’dah QA 20 and QA 21 sites

The workshop is organized in connection with Prof. Piotr Bieliński’s project: “The development of settlement in the mountains of northern Oman in the Bronze and Iron Ages” funded by a National Science Centre National Science Centre Poland, Harmonia 10 grant 2021/43/D/HS3/00248

  • Program & abstracts PDF
  • More on the “The development of settlement in the mountains of northern Oman in the Bronze and Iron Ages” project link
  • Read more on PCMA UW research in the Qumayrah micro-region in Northern Oman link