PCMA Seminar: Tingitana Frontier Project – The role of Roman watchtowers

The upcoming PCMA Seminar will hold a mini-conference on the subject “Tingitana Frontier Project The role of Roman watchtowers in the defence system of ancient Volubilis between I. and III. centuries AD”.

The event will feature four papers by five members of the Polish-Moroccan research project, focusing on Roman-era remnants in northern Morocco. The event is co-organized by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw and Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine.

Program: PDF 

Abstract: “Mauretania Tingitana was a Roman province encompassing the territories of present-day central and northern Morocco. This region is one of the least explored parts of the vast Roman Empire, and many questions regarding the issue of border zone protection remain unanswered. A Polish-Moroccan archaeological mission, operating since 2016, seeks to unravel the mystery of the functioning of the frontier zone protection system. During the seminar, the results of fieldwork at sites identified as Roman watchtowers during 2021 to 2023 will be presented.”

The seminar will be held on Thursday, 14th March, 2024, from 2.00 pm till 5.00 pm (Warsaw time) and can be attended on the Zoom platform. To receive the link, please write to pcma@uw.edu.pl