Sheikh Abd el-Gurna (Egypt), 2014

Sheikh Abd el-Gurna (Egypt)

Dates of work: 13 February–30 March 2014

Director: Tomasz Górecki, archaeologist (National Museum in Warsaw)
SCA representative: Fatma Hassan Mohamed
Ceramologist: Julia Górecka, archaeologist (independent)

The season in 2014 was devoted to continued study of the ceramic assemblage collected from the Coptic hermitage from the beginning of excavations in 2003. This project is headed by Tomasz Górecki. The main focus was on the common wares. The set was divided into typological groups, permitting a determination of function in many cases. A statistical count of the sherds enabled an estimation of the minimum and maximum number of given types of vessels, as well as clay artifacts, such as stands and incense burners. Many vessels were restored in the course of the documentation process.

See also:

Górecki, T. (2016). Phasing out LRA 7 amphorae in favor of new wine containers: Preliminary remarks based on finds from excavations in Naqlun. In A. Łajtar, A. Obłuski, and I. Zych (eds), Aegyptus et Nubia Christiana. The Włodzimierz Godlewski Jubilee volume on the occasion of his 70th birthday (pp. 113–137). Warsaw: PCMA UW

[Text: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 25]