Seminarium PCMA: Julien Cooper „East of Nubia – Results of the Atbai Survey Project”

Podczas pierwszego z czerwcowych spotkań w ramach Seminarium PCMA będzie można wysłuchać prezentacji dr. Juliena Coopera z Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia). Wystąpienie nosi tytuł „East of Nubia: Results of the Atbai Survey Project”. Jest częścią serii wykładów poświęconych Pustyni Wschodniej i rejonowi Morza Czerwonego organizowanej przez dr. Mariusza Gwiazdę.

Abstrakt: „The Sudanese Eastern Desert, „the Atbai”, is a largely unexplored archaeological landscape, surprisingly so given its strategic location between the Nile and the Red Sea and its rich archaeological heritage. Littered with goldmines, nomadic camps, and rock art sites, the archaeology of this desert is only beginning to be characterized thanks to various survey efforts over the last decades. Basic chronologies and material horizons are now known, as are general patterns of land-use and nomadic habitation. As part of this general effort, the Atbai Survey Project has uncovered many new sites dating from the palaeolithic until the medieval era, demonstrating the huge potential for further archaeological research, while also outlining persistent threats to this heritage from goldmining. This presentation will highlight some of the results from prior seasons, while focusing on the archaeological record of the desert’s indigenous inhabitants, the Blemmyes and Beja of late antiquity.”

Seminarium odbędzie się w trybie zdalnym we czwartek 1 czerwca o godz. 10:00 na platformie Zoom. Aby otrzymać link prosimy pisać na adres