Dakhleh Oasis (Egypt), 2012

Dakhleh Oasis (Egypt)

Dates of work: 16 February–18 March 2012

Coordinator: Prof. Michał Kobusiewicz (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań Branch)
em>Archaeologists: Ewa Kuciewicz (Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University), Paweł Polkowski (Poznań Archaeological Museum), Eliza Jaroni (freelance)

(Joint description of season 2012 and 2013)

In the 2012 and 2013 seasons the Petroglyph Unit concentrated on two major assignments: first, recording rock art sites in the Central Oasis, in the area of the so-called Painted Wadi and in adjoining areas, either unexplored or only partly explored earlier, and second, locating again and documenting Winkler’s sites 66 and 67, both in the eastern part of the Oasis. These two sites are of mostly homogeneous, Neolithic origin, while rock art recorded in the Central Oasis dates from the Neolithic through very recent times.

The Petroglyph Unit is funded by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw. Additionally, Paweł Polkowski’s subproject is funded from Polish National Science Centre grants DEC-2011/01/N/HS3/05994 and 2013/08/T/HS3/00355. Members of the Unit wish to express their gratitude to the Dakhleh Oasis Project Director Dr. Anthony J. Mills and the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology Director, Prof. Piotr Bieliński.

[Text: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 24/1]

M. Kobusiewicz: mkobus@man.poznan.pl
E. Kuciewicz: ewa.kuciewicz@gmail.com